Variant Stream

University of New Brunswick

TCSL Programs in Canadian Universities

1. Names of your institute and TCSL program.
Department of Culture and Language Studies
Univeristy of New Brunswick

2. Name of your TCSL program’s director or coordinator.

3. Numbers of students and faculty members in your TCSL program.
Students per two courses: 35
Only me as the Chinese instructor in the department

4. Introduction of your winter and summer TCSL programs.
CHNS 1013: Chinese introductory course aiming at non-native Chinese speakers
and focuses on basic communication skills in Chinese; students only learn Pinyin
CHNS 1023: Continuation of CHNS1013; still aims at basic communication
skills; students will be introduced to some characters in addition to Pin

5. Introduction of curriculum and degree offered in your TCSL program.
These two courses are credit courses offered to all students at UNB; if they
finish one course, they will get 3 credit hours; if they finish both courses, students
will get 6 credit hours

6. Introduction of regular and special events or activities of your TCSL program.
Roleplays; oral presenations; speech contest

7. Contact information.
Li Wang
Department of Culture and Language Studies
Unveristy of New Brunswick
Carleton 333 P.O. Box 4400 Fredericton, NB E3B 5A3
Phone: (506) 453-4636
Fax: (506) 447-3166